Friendship Baptist Church

My Way or the Higher Way

The Skillful Life 6 ~ My Way or the Higher Way – Proverbs 3, 8, 9 ~ August 21, 2022 Live Stream

Is the age of the Earth dated in the millions of years or just over six thousand? Is man fundamentally good or fallen? Is it good for a man and a woman to live together and consummate before marriage to test if they are compatible, or should they wait till marriage? Is marriage a permanent covenant meant to last till death, or a convenience of the heart? Should our children be free to follow their own ways and whims, or taught and disciplined by parents to fear the Lord and walk in obedience to him? Are there many ways to God and heaven? Is there a neutral starting point for public life and policy, and if so, is it atheism or faith in the God of the Bible? To whose wisdom will you defer, God’s or man’s?